Harlech Road [c.1904- ]

Submitted by David on
Current condition
In use
Date completed
(Day, Month, & Year are approximate.)

The Public Works Department report for 1900 noted work had started on the road:

30.    Harlech Road.—The road from the upper Tram Station to High West, which has been thus named, was commenced (owing to an arrangement kindly suggested and carried out by His Excellency Major-General Gascoigne) by working parties of the Royal Welch Fusiliers. The earth cutting and removal of boulders was completed for three-quarters-of-a-mile by the soldiers, at a total cost of $990.61. Owing to the extravagant demands by Chinese contractors, the rock blasting and masonry works have not been commenced. It is now decided that this road should be taken over and completed by the Military Authorities, to give access to sites for batteries on High West and sites for buildings beyond and to the North of the saddle.

It looks as though it was finished sometime in 1904, as page 4 of The China Mail, 1904-08-20 notes:

Harlech Road.

The recently completed road, running westward from Victoria Gap, along the south shoulder of Victoria Peak and the north shoulder of High West, has been handed over to the Government as a public road, and has been named Harlech Road.


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Overland China Mail, 22 October 1900:

'H.E. the Governor has approved of the new road leading from the Upper Tram Station to High West being christened "Harlech Road." The Welch Fusiliers (the men of Harlech) did the initial work.'