Matilda International Hospital [1907- ]

Submitted by tngan on Wed, 11/12/2008 - 01:51
Current condition
In use
Date completed

Their website has a brief history.

Photos that show this Place


Submitted by
moddsey (not verified)
Wed, 11/12/2008 - 08:15

After WWII, the Royal Naval Hospital in Wanchai was abandoned. The hospital was relocated to Mount Kellet and was known as the War Memorial Hospital. The hospital closed down in 1956 and the premises were taken over by the Matilda International Hospital.

Agreed the Matilda and old War Memorial Hospital (WMH) are on different sites and that the hospital that Booth is mentioning is the WMH. As mentioned previously, the Royal Naval Hospital was abandoned in Wanchai after WWII and the old military hospital on Mount Kellet was taken over. Interpretation of the relationship between the Matilda and WMH:


I'm a little late in adding to the post regarding the military hospital in the peak district of Hong Kong island..I was a patient in a hospital in late 1959 possible early 1960. It was then a Royal Naval hospital. All the staff were navy personel. There were army doctors present and I seem to remember that the navy was handing over to the Army. 

From my ward window (facing the peak direction) looking towards Pok Ful Ham and the sea I could clearly see a resevoir in a valley.

I don't believe that the Navy/Army hospital became the Matilda Hospital. I think they were two separate hospitals. and that the old Navy/Army hospital was further up from the Matilda towards the peak. Possible on a slip road to the peak road as I remember turning off the peak road and going under a sort of bridge. When I was in the Navy hospital it catered for all the sevices. Army, Navy, US personel. There was a Chinese service person from Tamar, and an Australian serviceman.   

I tried to find it in the 80's and I am almost possitive that I had the right location. There was a block of flats there, and I could see a resevoir. I'm almost sure that the hospital was one large building with a road running round it. The block of flats fitted that pattern.

In her account My Life, Beth Nance has this to say about the Matilda - 

'When we landed in Hong Kong (1940), it was wonderful to discover that there was a hospital that was absolutely free to missionaries and other non-profit workers.  The Matilda Hospital was named after a lady who had lived during the 19th century and wanted to do something for shipwrecked British sailors in the China Seas*.  Matilda devoted some of her wealth to the establishment of this hospital.  After a few years there were not many British sailors being lost in the China Seas so the Matilda Hospital opened to people doing non-profit, charitable work - including missionaries, which was good news for me, as I started pre-natal visits to the hospital.'

*As an earlier post has recorded, Matilda and her husband Granville Sharp were themselves shipwrecked in the South China Seas.