Wilfred Stanley TANNER [????- ]

Submitted by emride on
Wilfred Stanley



 Sergeant Royal Engineers..

“Sergeant Tanner joined the BAAG in September 1943 and was immediately posted to Advanced HQs at Waichow.

A few months later, ill with threatened appendicitis, he undertook the tedious and long 2 weeks journey to Kweilin with an escaper from Canton.  After convalescing from his operation he returned forward and there, owing to the shortage of staff Tanner had to assume many diverse responsibilities which usually and NCO would never be called upon to assume.

He did all the cipher work for the voluminous intelligence reports, supervised stores and the W/T station, ensuring the efficiency of the Chinese operators and the maintenance of equipment.

The efficiency with which he carried out these latter duties is shown by the fact that, a mere hour or so after arrival at Hoyuen during the evacuation from Waichow, he was in W/T communication with HQs, an accomplishment which was operationally of utmost value at that moment.  This standard of efficiency he later maintained during the critical period of about 6 months behind the enemy lines.

Sgt. Tanner had continuously to assume responsibilities far in advance of his rank.  Is record in the field is one of outstanding achievement and determination to attain his objective, however difficult the task”.   (signed) L T Ride, Colonel.