Government House (2nd & current generation) [1944- ]

Submitted by philk on
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I've added 1944 as the completion date. It's a guess - I know this version was built during the Japanese occupation, but I'm not sure when.

Barbara Anslow's diary has an interesting mention of Government House on the page for 4 Sep 1945. Hong Kong has recently been liberated from the Japanese, and Barbara had a chance to see what the new Government House looked like:

After dinner, Nan (Grady), Barbara B and I walked via CSO to Government House, which has been partly rebuilt, redecorated and furnished, massive armchairs and sofas. Really lovely, except for a strange tower on the top.

One part upstairs has been rebuilt as a Japanese residence: a little wooden springboard for taking off gitas and leaving them, then up to a wooden flooring which had some sort of soft material on as well,covered with straw matting; ceilings very low, room divided into partitions by sliding screens covered with traditional paper; small alcoves, a very low wooden table, and small cushioned stools.

Bathroom queer, the bath built-in, but wooden, with a little seat, like a boat.

There was also a little shrine; the floor was sandy and earthy and stony with big stones strewn here and there; a minute pool no bigger than the page of this book, and a kind of confessional and little temple, complete with roof. Mr. ((S.)) Marvin showed us round. ((Barbara B had a particular interest in Government House, as she had worked there for H.E. (Governor) pre-war))