Squally early am but cleared up later. E wind.
I.Qs outside roll-call only.
Paper has better atmosphere today. St. Malo being attacked from all sides (9th) & our penetration was extended S of Caen. Kyushu & Honshu bombed (11th) US Pres. had conference with Pac big nobs at Honolulu (26th July). Lots of Jap tripe re mincing of Jap bodies & of hanging corpses up for target practice, sending Jap skulls home & presenting Roosevelt with a paper knife made from a human bone.
With Steve pm.
Lights off 9.45pm & on again about 10.30.
Our planes flew over S to N at about midn’t but dropped nothing.
Some AA fire from the Japs & they used [s/its slits? s/lts?] for the 1st time.. ((Probably s/lts=searchlights, though surprising to find they hadn't used searchlights until now.))