Former Prison Officer Leon Blumenthal claims that some sweet potatoes are stolen from his 'garden' outside Bungalow 'C'.
The three accused are all teenagers, but the case is taken seriously by the camp's legal system and a search warrant is issued. I have not been able to find if the case actually came before Sir Atholl MacGregor, who ran the Stanley court, and, if it did, what the verdict was.
Vandeleur Grayburn, Edward Streatfield and Dr. Harry Talbot receive Bibles sent in from Stanley Camp. On August 23, two days after Grayburn's death, the two survivors have their Bibles taken from them without explantion. They are never returned.
Blumenthal: Undated statement of complaint in HPRO, HKRS163-1-303
Bibles: E. P. Streatfield, Statement, in HK Public Records Office, HKMS100-1-6, 11