Francis Arthur HAZELAND [c.1861-1931]

Submitted by Admin on
Francis Arthur
(Day, Month, & Year are approximate.)
Birthplace (country)
Hong Kong
(Day & Month are approximate.)

I'm looking for photos / sketches / portraits of him for the CPS project's history book.

The book, "Twentieth century impressions of ...", published in 1908, says he had been appointed to be the second Police Magistrate in 1901 (though he'd been in that role as 'acting second Police Magistrate' since 1900:

MR. FRANCIS ARTHUR HAZELAND, the second Police Magistrate of Hongkong, was appointed Clerk to the Puisne Judge in November, 1878, and subsequently discharged the duties of First Clerk of the Supreme Court and Marshal of the Colonial Court of Admiralty, Acting Chief Clerk in the Colonial Secretary's office and Acting Clerk of Councils, and Deputy Registrar. While on leave in 1899 he was called to the Bar by Lincoln's Inn. Since his return to the Colony in the following year he has served for several long terms as Acting Police Magistrate and Coroner. His present substantive appointment dates from 1901.

He retired and left Hong Kong in 1916, presumably heading to Britain. It's hard to say if he'd have felt he was going home, as he'd been born in Hong Kong and, unusually for the time, had gone to school here too. There's a good summary of his long career in the Hong Kong government at

There aren't any relevant results for hazeland in the photo search at HKPRO.

He served with Legco, but they don't have a photo:

No relevant results for hazeland in the UKNA.

I've only found one (indirect) mention of him in relation to family history, see:

And though I haven't seen any family trees that show him, there are a couple that show his younger brother, Ernest Manning HAZELAND:

I'll contact those researchers.


Connections: This person is ...


Arthur's father, F. I. Hazeland, was Hong Kong Crown Solicitor,  died age 34 or so. The young widow was Maria Da Silva Hazeland, presumably of the Hong Kong Portugese da Silvas, so that would explain why he stayed in Hong Kong - and why he went to Queen's College.

"On the 21st January, at his residence, The Albany, Hongkong, FRANCIS INNES HAZELAND, for ten years Crown Solicitor of that colony, aged 36."

(The Sydney Morning Herald - Wednesday 29 March 1871)

Here is a photo of Hazeland from Twentieth Century Treaty Ports, p112 which has photos of the Hong Kong legal community in 1908.