Temporary Buildings in Statue Square (1900s) [????-1910]

Submitted by David on
Current condition
Demolished / No longer exists
Date closed / demolished

Moddsey has found minutes of a Legco meeting on 2nd December, 1909 that have lots of information about these buildings. It starts at page 186, and lists the following uses of the site:

  • The Praya Reclamation Office
  • Temporary housing for the Police while an extra storey was being put on the Central Police Station
  • Temporary accommodation for the Volunteers while their Headquarters were rebuilt
  • Builder's yard used by the company building the new General Post Office
  • A tar macadam factory used by the Public Works Department in the surfacing of Kennedy Road

Here is the full document: http://sunzi.lib.hku.hk/hkgro/view/h1909/2610.pdf

Photos that show this Place



Thanks Moddsey. That report ends:

The area between the new plot and the Hongkong Club, which had been occupied as a contractor’s yard in connection with the erection of the new Post Office, was vacated and cleared of matsheds and building materials at the close of the year.

I've set the demolition date for the temporary buildings to the end of 1910.