Sincere Department Store [1915-1968]

Submitted by moddsey on
Current condition
Demolished / No longer exists
Date completed
(Month is approximate.)
Date closed / demolished
(Month is approximate.)
Later place(s) at this location

Photos that show this Place



The Public Works Report for 1915 refers under No. 46:

The new and extensive premises for the Sincere Company in Wing Wo Street were completed.

This was a six-floor building, with the top floor opened to customers for views of Victoria Harbour.

In the article

"Personal Styles, Cultural Values and Management: The Sincere and Wing On Companies in Shanghai and Hong Kong, 1900-1941" by 

Wellington K. K. Chan , The Business History Review Vol. 70, No. 2 (Summer, 1996), pp. 141-166 (26 pages)

it is referred that this building was used as main store and the corporate headquarters from 1917-1968, when the building was torn down to be replaced by Nan Fung Tower (opened 1973). 

27. Buildings of importance completed were:—

  • extension to Sincere Co. Building on Des Voeux Road, Central;

Believe this extended building is shown on the photo below, so it's likely 1935 and not 1929. 

Sun Building 1929.jpg, by PaulO


Yes! Location of the store was near On Lok Yuen icecream parlor/cafe! That's the 1960s department store where I was brought into by mother to shop; to visit grandpa's office on 3rd floor of the multistories building. Got to ride in one of those old fashion elevator with an operator who asked you "what floor" then he'll pull the"fence gate" before the wood door closed then move on....up or down and sometimes with tiggled stomach kind of feeling...