BBC 22-9-42. 5 dest. 3 cruisers 14 transports sunk in one attack on Solomons, & they lost 20,000 men in 48 hrs. troops have forged ahead N & S. Tobruk recaptured & our [?] Germans driven from Stalingrad. 1,500 tanks crossed Volga & are cutting up retreating Germans. Stalin in speech given on 2nd Anniversary of 1st bombing of Britain said “You (Germany) knew that after 1st raid they could not maintain air superiority over R.A.F. The R.A.F. have now superiority in every field & Germans know that Russia would soon pass them in production. Germany now knows that they have no hope against the Russian mincing machine & before long will know what it is like to have their territory invaded from the N as well as the W.
Kowloon Bus Co. afire.
Statue Square an execution ground.
Fine, dry & cool breeze.