5 Feb 1942, Chronology of Events Related to Stanley Civilian Internment Camp

Submitted by brian edgar on Wed, 06/20/2012 - 19:30

The Japanese-sponsored Hongkong News reports on conditions at Stanley:

The enemy aliens at Stanley are receiving good treatment, and all extol the kindness and consideration of the Japanese authorities.


American internee Norman Briggs mocked the British for drawing down the wrath of the Japanese by responding to a newspaper claim that conditions in Stanley were good by pointing out that they weren't - it was perhaps today's report that gave rise to this incident!


The Red Cross truck that's been bringing 'odds and ends of goods and supplies for individuals and the American community' is hijacked on the road.


Hong Kong News: John Luff, The Hidden Years, 1967, 171

Hijack: The Maryknoll Diary, February 5, 1942

Note: At this time there were two teams of drivers bringing in items - both approved and illegal -  from Hong Kong, and it's not known which was involved in the hijacking. The first was based at St. Paul's (the French) Hospital: Owen Evans, Dr. Robert  Henry and Charles 'Chuck' Winter. The second was living in May Road: Eugene PawleyCharles Shafer, John Morton and Albert Fitch.  It's possible that Carl Neprud was living with this group until he was moved to St. Paul's for medical treatment.

All the drivers were American except for Owen Evans, who was Welsh.

For more details see:


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