2 Sep 1945, Barbara Anslow's diary

Submitted by Barbara Anslow on

(Sunday) Got up early and went to St Joseph's Church (Garden Road) but it appeared to be closed, not even any handles on the doors.  Went round back to Grotto, Our Lady's statue still there and OK.

Knelt on the marble prie-dieu but there were mosquitoes and ants so couldn't concentrate.  There met a man in military uniform, Mr. Sherry (I didn't know him), he said Mass would be at 8.30am but I coudn't stay as due in office.

Very busy in office, even though Norah Witchell from camp is also helping. The phones ringing continuously and one is forever dashing up and downstairs trying to find people.

Bottle of milk each at tiffin and dinner.

Mary Taylor arrived last night and working with Police Dept.

Eric Himsworth is Food Controller and dashed in to get someone (me) to type something, just as I received a note from Olive pleading 'try to get me out of this dump.'  I asked Himsworth if he had a steno, and he hadn't, so he dictated to me a note to Stanley requesting Olive to come and work for him.

Hospital ship 'Oxfordshire' is at Kowloon.

Was given a tablet of soap today.

Our office is moving to Hong Kong Bank building tomorrow.

Surrender signed in Japan today.

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