Ouchterlony Battery, Sai Ying Poon [c.1857-1865]

Submitted by Rob on
Current condition
Demolished / No longer exists
Date completed
(Day, Month, & Year are approximate.)
Date closed / demolished

Year completed is: Approximate

Condition at last visit: Demolished

Date of last visit: Jul-1998

Ref: ROB-00141



  • 1857: Site was set out 31st January 1857.  (CO 129/64).
  • 1859: Ouchterlony Bty marked on map, without details.  (CO 700/HK & China-Map of Victoria).

For a background to these notes, and a glossary of terms used, please see: http://gwulo.com/node/24630  

Photos that show this Place



Hi Rob,

I've moved the marker for this one from the current location (Chong Yuet Ming Chemical Building, HKU campus) to down in front of the St Louis school.

I've based it on this description from page 29 of the Appendix to the "Report from the Hongkong Land Commission of 1886-1887":

The block in question now consists of Marine Lots 184, 185, 186, 205, 204, and 198 running along the Praya in the order named from West to East. The first reference to these Lots that was produced in evidence was a Sale plan which was headed "Plan of Sale of Crown Land for Sale by public Auction 28th June, 1861, and following days", signed by the Surveyor General and approved by the Governor.

[...] Lots subsequently sold as 204 and 205 were marked as Ochterlony [sic] battery [...]

[...] There seems to have been a point stretching into the sea at Octerlony Battery beyond the extent of the proposed Praya at low water [...]

By the 16th November. 1864, it seems to have been decided to sell Ochterlont battery, to do away with the road between Ochterlony Battery and Lot No. 186, and to remove the road which was run at the back of Lots 184, 185, 186 and to make it a continuation of the road along the back of Marine Lot 198, which was to continue along the Southern boundary of Lots 204 and 205, as on a Sale plan of that date signed by the Surveyor general and approved by the Governor I find that Battery Road is extended to the South Western end of Lot No. 184, and that the former site of Ochterlony Battery extending it back to Battery Road and including the road between Ochterlony Battery and Lot No. 186 was to be offered for Sale by auction in 2 lots, Lots No. 205 and 205 as well as the portions of Land South of Lots 186, 185 and 184, lying between those lots and the proposed extension of Battery Road.

Lots 204 and 205 were sold and Leases of them were granted to the same purchaser on the 4th March, 1865, but the other pieces are marked on the Sale plan as withdrawn.


I've also added a demolition date of 1865, based on when the site was finally sold.

Regards, David

This battery appears on the 1844 and 1845 map of Hong Kong. Due to it being where the first military barracks were established, I think 1843 would be a more realistic completion date as defences would have been one fo the first things to be constructed. 

I also believe it survived into the 1870's as I have a photo showing what I think the is the Battery. It seems they had trouble selling the stone as it went to auction at least twice. 


Hong Kong Government Gazette, 15th February 1862 p.45

Tenders will be received at the Surveyors General Office on or before Monday 3rd March next, for the following services:-

Road from Police Station at West Point to join Bonham Road via Ouchterlony’s Battery


Hong Kong Government Gazette 16th April 1864 p138

23rd March 1864- Ouchterlony was considered as a site the proposed mint. A site in Causeway bay was selected


Hong Kong Government Gazette 28th May 1864 p218

The Government is instructed to sell by Public Auction – the stone in the Old Ouchterlony Fort near the gas works West Point. The stone consists of split Granite measuring more or less 4,500 cubic feet and one month will be allowed to the purchasers, for its removal from the date of sale.

The sale will take place on the ground on Wednesday 1st June at noon.

Term of Sale: Cash before delivery in Mexican Dollars weighed at 7.17

Hong Kong May 21st 1864


Hong Kong Government Gazette 5th November 1864 p431

Notice is hereby given that the Stone in the old Ouchterlony Battery at West point will be sold by Public auction on Wednesday the 16th next, immediately after the sale of Marine Lot No.3

The Stone consists of Split Granite measuring more or less 4,500 cubic feet. One month will be allowed by the purchaser for its removal