John Allan FITZGERALD / SOO (aka Jacky) [1927- ]

Submitted by Admin on Mon, 03/19/2012 - 18:04
John Allan
Fitzgerald / Soo
Alias / nickname
(Day & Month are approximate.)
Birthplace (town, state)
West Ham
Birthplace (country)
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Passenger List London to Hong Kong 6 December 1930

Chong Soo 39 laundry proprietor uk address 147 Green Street London E 7

Lilian M Soo 38

Norman F K Soo age 9 [birth regsistered Quarter 1 1921 West Ham]  [not interned in Stanley]

Betty E Soo age 6 [ birth registered West Ham Essex 1924] married Ellison and Williams

John A F Soo age 3 [birth registered Quarter 3 1927 West Ham Essex]

Passenger List arrival 1 December 1943 Gripsholm Passengers Held For Special Inquiry

Typed - Elizabeth McGowan age 19 born SUE NO CIV CLAIMS USC and hand written in ink formerly Fitzgerald and Evelyn added to Elizabeth Paroled by Mrs Watkins

Typed -John Allan McGowan age 16 born SUE  No CIV TRINIDAD (INDIAN) and hand  written in ink formerly Fitzgerald Paroled by Mrs Watkins

In the main body of the passenger list they are recorded as undocumented and their address in the US is c/o Uncle Jack Sue, PO Bx 426 Eugene Oregon.

1940 US Census Jack Sue age 55 cook  born China  living in Wellbourne household in Eugene Oregon.

Passenger List October 1950 New York to Liverpool

John Alan Fitzgerald age 23 clerk UK address 13 Thorold Road Ilford Essex Country of last permanent residence USA