Ref. 8, Broadwood Road, Hong Kong.

Photo of notes by Mrs.B.Reed put in the diary of Pte Percy Chittenden which was found in the garden at 8 Broadwood Road when returning home after the war.

Date picture taken


I assume the reference is to the HMS Duke of York which arrived in Hong Kong at the end of the Pacific War on 14 September 1945.


I have noticed that " B.Reed " is written in pencil at the front of his diary. I will send you a photo.  Thank you for sending on our thanks to your Cousin Mary in Canada. I expect that it was quite a surprise for her after all this time. I never imagined that I would ever be able to contact your family.

I am still researching my Uncle's list of Troop Ships. According to notes in his post liberation journey home diary  he left Liverpool bound for Hong Kong on the 21-3-1941 on His Majesty's  Troop Ship H.M.T. Duchess of York transferring to various other ships along the way. Eventually arriving in Hong Kong on 28-5-1941.

After liberation in Japan he eventually boarded the USS Joseph T. Dickman for the U.S.A.  Then travelling across America into Canada coming back to England on the Queen Elizabeth.  Arriving home on the 5-11-1945. He kept a diary during this journey. At this time unaware that he would see his Hong Kong diary again.

Kind regards,


Hi Kenny,

Thanks again for your posts and the efforts you made to express your gratitude for the return of your Uncle Percy's lost diary.  I am also grateful and appreciative of your thoughtful gesture.  I don't recall ever hearing this story from my parents, so it was a lovely surprise for me.  

All the best to you and your family for 2025.
