While working on two issues of the Islander back in the early 1980's (I used to be in the tpyesetting business back then) I have an impression (from the pieces I pasted together, literally) that there was a time that the school was operating in the BMH site. They were calling it the French Mission. Could some Islanders of the time please come forward and prove me right (or wrong)? Back then I believe Mr Driver was the Principal.
Island School next to BMH
To the left of the BMH is Island School (ESF) in an advanced state of construction. Opened in 1969 the photo could be from 1968?
Regards degahkg
Re: The Island School
Hi There,
This is off topic.
While working on two issues of the Islander back in the early 1980's (I used to be in the tpyesetting business back then) I have an impression (from the pieces I pasted together, literally) that there was a time that the school was operating in the BMH site. They were calling it the French Mission. Could some Islanders of the time please come forward and prove me right (or wrong)? Back then I believe Mr Driver was the Principal.
Re: Island School
Island School used the former premises of the BMH from 1967 to 1972. Thereafter, the School moved to 20 Borrett Road.
Mr. Driver was the School’s third principal.
Source: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Island_School
Tracing back, the photograph was taken in 1971.