stone cottage, one fine day in autumn

Thu, 09/12/2024 - 13:53

Imagine a fine and pleasant autumn morning, this stone lodge against a big blue sky and a wider lawn in front. Just wind mildly blowing in this quiet ... One may have an impression that this is a scene in some rural area in Europe.

The 70s and before is the age where no towering buildings risen up in this area. Above photo shows some newly painted and more maintainence, it may be taken at a later time.

There is a photo which illustrates the larger area around this quarters, from the Heritage of Hku webpage (here). This photo may be taken few years before 2007, i.e. over three decades from the 70s. In today's Centennial campus packed with buildings, it is not easy to picture the scenes in mind. (^)

More details of the architecture from the 1920s, including the interiors, could be read from said Hku website. Overseers are Senior Staff, of course.   

   (^)  photo of the Elliot Senior Staff Quarters in the 1930s (link); 

           by the way, former Elliot Battery was nearby


p.s. just noticed that HKUL has an archive from Mrs Muriel Blandford (link). She had lived here for about two years, born youngest daughter of Arthur Paull Glanville in 1938. As a local paper, she returned and visited the house in 2008 at 70, right before it was revamped (and in this newsletter).

Date picture taken