A postcard of stone steps of Pottinger Street and Chinese Junk carrying cargo near Kowloon, Hongkong

Tue, 08/20/2024 - 05:02
Date picture taken


The top photo of a European boy in a sailor suit with his sister accompanied by a Chinese amah and her children looks very familiar. Is it reproduced in one of Geoffrey Sayer's books on Hong Kong?

A coloured version of the Chinese junk has been reproduced on its own in the bi-lingual publication "Old Pictures of Hong Kong" (2010) in the section on Vessels and Wharves. The separate photo of Pottinger Street steps does not appear elsewhere in the publication. It would be interesting to know who the European children in the photo were, where they were going and what the original purpose of the photo was. There must be a story here!

stone steps of pottinger st legend
stone steps of pottinger st legend, by jill

Many thanks, moddsey. I had completely missed the previous Gwulo thread identifying the European children as probably Sternberg's own. That would contradict the earlier identification of the little girl in white as the future pianist, Maria Comenda.