Wanchai reclamation 1969

Film still from 六十年代香港街頭相片 Hong Kong in 1960s|重製

Reclamation works still goes on, Wanchai Ferry Pier already in use.

Date picture taken


The old Gloucestor rd was still open to traffic in above picture. One can see the Fleming flyover in the distance almost completed. It was opened on July 1 1970.

1970-7-1 fleming flyover opened, by simtang

 How it looked after it was opened

fleming bridge, by simtang

Note that a pedestrian bridge  was completed around the same time. The Tonnochy pedestrian bridge seems to be under construction too in top picture above.

With these bridges ready, the widened Gloucestor road was opened on Aug 6 1970. The new road was called "waterfront boulevard"  in news report. But is is still called Gloucestor road today.

new waterfront rd north of glocester from tonnochy rd 1970, by simtang

The 28th industrial expo was held first time at the Wanchai reclaimed land end of 1970. A picture showing the widened Gloucestor road which was opened in  Aug 1970. And the Tonnochy pedestrian bridge completed not long before that.
