1957 — is the background of this photo recognisable as Stonecutters Island

Sun, 07/02/2023 - 04:00

I know the soldier on the right is Stanley Balchin and I went with him and all of “B”squadron 1st.  RTR.in Sep 1957 on R.R. to stonecutters island, but do not remember this location. There are other photos of stonecutters in my collection. Photo from received Stans son.

Date picture taken


The only location that I can think of on Stonecutters that is "rocky" in appearance is the approach and entrance to Stonecutters Battery. That said, the attire of the civilians in the photo keeps telling me that it may not be a Hong Kong photo. Could the photo have been taken during a port visit in South Asia or Southeast Asia?

Greetings.  The match is not strong so this is a guess - Eastern Stonecutters Island


  • Well-built concrete stairs, open field on the left.
  • No buildings, so possibly a walk up to a road.
  • Light post on the left casting shadow on the road; rising path shadow on left (west) bank.
  • Rocky bank, camera angle missed vegetation beyond.


Regards, and corrections welcome Peter

stonecutters is east 1963
stonecutters is east 1963, by OldTimer