1933 Fraternity Book Room - Emmanuel (Mission) Church

Thu, 04/06/2023 - 07:47

Hong Kong Daily Press 23 March 1933.

Date picture taken
23 Mar 1933


Thank you for this find moddsey.  I've just realised it gives us a better idea of when the Book Room (and presumably by extension the Emmanuel Church) were both founded - somewhere between 1930 and 1933.  I had been thinking mid thirties.

There was a reading room associated with the Emmanuel Church Book Room.  An article in the Cairns Post, Queensland, Australia in 1936, mentions both and quotes Dr Lechmere Clift on his Church's reading room -

  '"The one great lack is reading room literature. The colony is inundated with glaringly sensational and highly coloured magazines." Dr. Clift says he has repeatedly asked friends to supply sound, healthy papers, but there has not been much response. The book room is doing well, and meets a need that nothing else supplies. Hong Hong is a great jumping-off place for passengers. Missionaries drop in for supplies on their way to North China, Malaya, Philippines, Dutch East Indies, Siam, etc.'