1923 god old temple after typhoon

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Hi There,

I believe the stone pillars of the entrance is now installed in a resting park in Lomond Road Garden, in the neighbourhood of its original location.


There is an investigative report about the temple.


and a summary of certain part of it here :


The conclusion of the authors:

Temple on Kowloon City road looks similar to the one on Lomond road but they are NOT the same temple.

If I understand correctly, they think the characters on the pillars are not the same though they are barely legible. They based their conclusion on an 1935 article in Wah Kiu Daily which mentioned the couplet on the temple gate of the Kowloon City road temple. The poem is different from the couplet on Lomond Road pillar. If the above picture is magnified, they also concluded some of the characters look different. By the way, the Kowloon city road temple was built in 1746 and rebuilt in 1828. The date "道光八年重修" was etched on the top part of the gate which is absent from the Lomond gate.


Hi Phil,

What I saw is that the Engraving of 上帝古廟 looked the same to me.  But if you throw in Chinese Caligraphy of a certain style\lineage, it would be more complicated as each Chinese word could be matched by stone masons.  May have to go to the garden to have a look at the stone work some times.  No idea about the mentioned discussion\investigation in other links.

For every rebuilt there should be a stone palette or some engraving citing about each rebuilt somewhere, together with the name of the patrons who have donated.  However as the temple had already been destroyed one way or the other, there is no way to verify further.  Seems like a similar case of City marker #7 on Magazine Gap Road where the artifact was destroyed.


I visited there about 4 years ago and took these.


Lomond Road Garden temple door, by philk
Lomond Road Garden history, by philk