1956 Dairy Farm Silo, Pok Fu Lam Road

Source: This image came from Flickr, see https://flickr.com/photo.gne?id=40840423295

Date picture taken


Hi Moddsey,

Thanks for posting. As you say, that's a silo on the right with the vertical slats. I think the structure to its left is a manure pit because the others I've seen look similar - made of stone, with slightly curved roofs, like this one. 

These buildings were located near to the silo at http://gwulo.com/node/37526 which is just out of view on the left of your photo. Google maps shows that the site of the silo, manure pit and cowshed in your photo is now occupied by modern buildings accessable from Pok Fu Lam Road, but doesn't say what they are. 

NB. This post has been edited to remove photos I had incorrectly stated were of this silo. Thanks to David for spotting my mistakes, his post of 10-5-2021 below refers.

The silo in David's photo looks like this one, it's close to the stream on one side, with Victoria Road down below.

Nowadays, there's a little farm below the silo, when I passed through the fence and went up the steps, I probably triggered some kind of setup of a pulley system, a backpack filled with heavy items flew down along the strings and almost hit me. The farm just looked like those occupied by morning hikers.


Hi H Lo,

Which photo are you referring to as "David's photo" please? I think all the silos were of similar design.

Thanks for linking the map. It labels the site of the silo, manure pit and cow shed in Moddsey's photo as now being occupied by WSD Wah Fu Salt Water Pumping Station and Fresh Water Service Reservoir.  

Hi David,

Oops, you are correct. Thanks for spotting my mistake. To avoid the possibility of causing ongoing confusion I've edited my post above to remove the photos I had wrongly said were of this silo and its surrounds.

Note To Self : Be more careful in future!