Flying Doctor Trip. 24:12:1977 (13).jpeg

Lai Chi Wo. Inside the Temples are a number of friezes showing a number of dolls that were made from soft mud (very fragile). 

Date picture taken
24 Dec 1977
Shows place(s)


Hi There,

Those are Shek Wan Pottery.  Most of those found in local temples and ancentral houses are produced by the same group of artists, maybe of different generations.


Shek Wan Pottery - 1, by tngan
Shek Wan Pottery - 1, by tngan

Hi Tngan, Thank you for your most interesting comment on the mud dolls at Lai Chi Wo. It is great to know the real name of the dolls. Just for info I will be in Lai Chi Wo sometime in November 2023. Regards Tom

Hi There,

Those pottery found toward the roof or on the ridge of the roof were likely specially ordered by the village.  To date those in Lai Chi Wo may be difficult, but they are old alright.

If you are in town, look at other temples in the city districts.  Most of they have similar decorations but mostly of a different theme.  Some older, some more recent (by the turn of the last century, at least).

On the other hand, there are books talking about Shek Wan Pottery out there.  I am uncertain if there are English version though.  Yue Wah China Products at Jordan Road should have some such modern versions of Shek Wan Pottery made by present day artists on display somewhere.  Some fine items may cost an arm and a leg.


ps.  Just found a link to the Shek Wan Pottery Museum.