Scout Rally on Hong Kong Football Club Field, Year Unknown, c1950

Scout Rally on Government Stadium Hong Kong Football Club Field, Year Unknown, c1950

Date picture taken


Hi There,

The houses did not add up. I suspect it was not the Government Stadium.  Back in the late 1960s I have attended one of these and it was staged in Mong Kong Fa Hui, the site of present day Tai Hang Tung Playground.  I could not recall the spectator seating though.


I think the location is the Hong Kong Football Club Stadium as observed here . The remnants of Morrison Hill can be seen. The year would be from 1954 onwards.

Hi T,

Thanks for the response! I received these photos with little to no captions earlier from older scouts and was tasked to slowly digitalize & categorise them, so I can only make guesses and assumptions here and there. Would be great if you can tell a bit more about Scout Rally back in the days!

Hi There,

I really could not recall much.  School bus brought us there.  Some matching around but those were mostly for the troops in Secondary schools where we cubs just watched. 

Maybe just some names of the leaders of the pack.  A certain Mr Ching  (the thin one), Mrs Tam, Ms Lau and some others.


I agree with Moddsey that this shows the Hong Kong Football Club's stadium. The line of rooftops in the background is the same as in this view of the HKFC stadium that he linked to:

The Hong Kong Footbal Club Stadium., by Bruce Deadman

In the main photo, the north stand (right of photo) has already been rebuilt in concrete. That was completed in 1953, so the photo was taken after that. But the west stand (left of photo) is still a matshed, not the concrete replacement that was completed in 1954 (see So we can date the main photo to 1953-54.

Dear T,

I think you are referring to Mr. Philip Ching, who, together with his elder brother, Stephen Ching, were very active in the scouting movement.  Mrs. Tam and Ms Lau would have joined the teaching staff of WYCHK circa 1968/69.  Ms. Helen Ho (Mrs. Lee later) who joined soon after is till actively involved with the Alumni network in Toronto.

I visited the Golden Jubilee Jamboree Camp at Kowloon Tsai as a Tenderfoot.  I also attended St. George's Day Scout Rally in Kowloon, with the 70th HKG.  Our Troop Leader went forward to receive his Queen's Scout Badge.



Hi Lawrence,

I was in the XVHKG cub scout pack back then and  Mr Stephen Ching (the thin one) was the leader.   The mentioned Mrs Tam and Ms Lau were both teachers of Pun U Wah Yan Primary school.