Wo Fung Street in Fanling

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Going by what Bryan says about his day out in Fanling, this could be Wo Fung Street behind Luen Wo Market. The road layout seems to match, as does the open space to the right which looks like it contained market stalls. More recently (after the market closed) this space was turned into a car park but has now been built on. The old art deco market building still remains though. Streetview comparison can be found here.

yes, despite no longer having a clear line of site to the background hills, I believe the higher mountain in the background is Wutong Mountain in Shenzhen and the smaller pointed peak in front of it is Wo Keng Shan (one of the lower parts of Robin's Nest).

It may be wishful thinking, but I think you can just make out the curved building at the far end of that row that sits on the opposite corner of Wo Fung St and Luen Shing St. 

Phil,David and Moddsey—Pleased and pleasantly surprised to know you have been able to identify this photo especially after looking at Phils -google world street view! how everything has changed!! I note the nearest shop on my old photo says Cycle Co. and the nearest shop on Phils discovered view says Fanling Bikes,(60 yrs.later) Also I realise the clarity of my early photos leave a lot to be desired,they were taken with my dad’s old Brownie Box Camera(1932) and the prints are 2 1/4 square,no one complained on the sea journey to Hong Kong though as this was the only camera on my troopdeck. Phil -I do remember visiting a market in Fanling (Luen Wo?) and seeing fish I had never seen before,Thankyou. Bryan.