
Would anybody be able to identifty this medal? 

It was given to me by a local friend who is trying to work out its origin.  

Any suggestions are most welcome. Many thanks!

Date picture taken


This is not a Freemason medal but it could be a medal of 'Royal (?) Ancient Order of Buffalos'. ('RAOB')

I think the members were a 'drinking club'  of post WWI to pre WWII  and formed in the Far East.

My Father was a member and I believe he had cufflinks marked 'RAOB'. I stand to be corrected if I am wrong.

Hi Walmer,

I think the RAOB you are referring to stands for the Royal Antediluvian Order of Buffaloes. According to Wiki its a fraternal organization which still exists today, although much smaller than it once was..The medal seen at https://gwulo.com/atom/25365 suggests they had a presence in Hong Kong. A search of "RAOB medals" on Google Images leads to a number of pics of medals bearing similar, I'm not saying identical, buffalo heads to the one at the head of this post.

I was wrong in my message yesterday. The medal, with a buffalo is from the Royal Antediluvian Order of Buffalos.  You can see full details on their website, history, titles of officers, their charity work and much more.

I was muddled about my Father. I think he was a member of the 'Ancient Order of Froth Blowers' -a drinking fraternity, who liked their beer!

Out of interest, came across this. The new Institute of the Royal Antedilluvian Order of Buffaloes was opened during the New Year Holiday at Rutton Building, Duddell Street. China Mail 5 January 1926 refers.

Update - a signboard of the RAOB Club on Queen's Building on Ice House Street from 1941 can be viewed here