Emile Landau c.1937

Here is picture of my uncle Emile Landau in c. 1937 in Singapore with my cousin Harry. Emile had, with Aaron Landau' the Parisian Grill in HK..and the PG farm where the Yacht club? in Aberdeen is now.

Emile certainly gave a politically incorrect picture ... smoking with a baby and a urangatang as a pet!


Date picture taken


I have fond memories of this photograph as it’s one of the early photos I had seen of my Dad Harry as a Child along with my Grandfather Emile.

With my Dad & Mum now in Nursing care in Adelaide (Harry is 85 & Ann is 83) and the family home at Springfield Sold I have hundreds of Old Photos from Shanghai - Singapore - HongKong to scour through and Identify - I am attempting to find out birth dates & Parents of Mordechai (Marco) LANDAU & his wife Bella LANDAU (Née Perlstein) - these are Aaron (Adolph) LANDAUS parents.

Please make a comment if you can add to my family Heritage - my Family Tree is public and available to view on ANCESTRY under Matthew J LANDAU family Tree 





I am writing a book about Hong Kong during the War Years through the eyes of my parents. My father Bob Jones had his last "decent" meal at Jimmy's Kitchen just before he was interned at Stanley Camp. I understand that Emile was also in the internment camp. I am hoping to include various photos that are relevant to the narrative that I'm telling. My book is titled The Farthest East. By the way, I went to school with David Landau and knew his father Leo and Neil McKensie, who ran Jimmy's in Kowloon for a number of years. I left HK back in 1981 for California (LA) but have managed to get back quite a number of times over the years. I've also spent a lot of time in China on environmental issues through my foundation. Hoping you can help me with a nice photo of Jimmy's circa 1940/41 and interesting anecdotes of the Landau family! Thanks and hope to hear from you soon. Best Regards, Robert (Jones)  


Hello Robert

Thank you for your letter. Here is my email address: hardingbarbara@gmail.com

whishing you luck with your reserach...David on Gwulo is marvellous, doing all this excellent work. 

Emile, my uncle died in Hong Kong I think in 1967 or 1968. He was a prisoner in Stanley for almost 2 years. He was arrested in Hong Kong in 1943/4 and was in the jail part of Stanley until the end of the war. He was charged with "helping the Enemy" the British. As far as I know he was not a Volunteer. How interesting that your father had his last meal in Jimmy's before Stanley. Leo my father, was the managing director..My grandparesnt owned Jimmy's and then after the war Leo took over. The others were managers until he retired, and later the business was sold.  I live in London with my husband Julian.

All good wishes on your quest.

Barbara Harding (nee Landau)