Field Cottage Kai Tak airfield

Field Cottage was the headquarters of the Hong Kong Flying Club.

It was situated at the north-west corner of the airfield on one of the few roads remaining from the Kai Tak Investments estate’s layout.                                                                

Most of the incomplete estate was situated in streets on or near the Bund.

It is not known how it gained its name as its hardly a cottage, more a mansion. Or who built it or originally owned it.

The building appears to be a solitary one with no others in the vicinity. It can be seen in the background of a number of the airfield pictures from that period. At a later date, it disappears from Kai Tak pictures, so presumably demolished. Possibly as its height and bulk was interfering with aircraft landing and taking off. Especially when night flying started.

Note the wind direction sock being flown from the top of the roof tower

see also

Date picture taken
15 Jun 1934
