
Part of a collection of pictures made by Jim Watkins (deceased) of Henley In Arden, England while on military service in Hong Kong probably1947.

Date picture taken
30 Jun 1947


If you could look at this with a magnifying glass or a higher-resolution scan, please could you help me check the name on the street name sign? It'll help us orient which way the photo faces.

On the right of the photo there's a shop in the corner building. It's name is written on a big horizontal sign, and a smaller vertical sign. The street name is above the vertical sign.

Thanks & regards, David

The Sun Wah Theatre was located at the junction of Argyle Street and Sai Yeung Choi Street, Mong Kok with entrance facing Argyle Street. The shop in the corner building was the Che Cheong Pawn Shop. Built on the same site was the Gala Theatre as shown below.

1960s Argyle Street - Gala Theatre, by nahmsai