Recycling in HK

Rob writes:

Took this picture at the UK National Archive (their ref: WO 78/5341), showing that recycling is not a new experience for HK. It is from a plan of part of a gun pit for a 9” RML gun at Stonecutters East Battery, which was built in 1881. The pivot for the gun is an unfortunate 24 pdr muzzle loader, obviously obsolete by then. Murray Bty was the only one in HK that I know of using 24 pdrs, but they were quite common in warships earlier in the century, so its history is obscure.

Date picture taken


Thanks to Rob for this post.

The diagram shows three shelves, in the shape of inverted, flattened, letter "T's", built into the walls. Similar shaped shelves are also seen at the Lyemun Pass Battery and the Lyemun Reverse QF Battery.

Does anyone know the intended function of these rather strangely shaped shelves?