Veronica Walker at Stanley Beach

Douglas - here is the promised photo of Veronica Walker. I haven't cropped the legend added by my cousin, as it would have sliced off some of the background mountain profile. The date, added many decades later, may be suspect, but I would put the photo at 1937-39, comparing it with the photo of Veronica canoeing off Repulse Bay. On the back of the photo, she herself has noted "Outside Treetop", which I assume is the name of the Walkers' cabin, next to which she is standing.


Date picture taken


Oh yes. Most of the photos in my cousin's albums have felt tip legends added after she inherited them from her mother. This was to avoid unsticking them from the album. The dates were estimated according to her memory. Some of the legends on the back were written by the sender at the time of sending the photo, as in this case, but some were also added later. Veronica Walker did not include a date for this photo, so the 1937 written on the front may not be exact. I decided to leave it intact nevertheless and to suggest the broader dating of 1937-39.
