Harbour view

Date picture taken


Dear HF,

I am very interested in the part of TST especially where the Hong Kong Observatory and Marine Police Base were.  Is it possible for you to blow up these parts?  

Also do you sell re-prints of this panorama?

Best regards,

CM Shun

A blow-up from the current image (below) can reveal the 1883 Building of the Hong Kong Observatory (upper right) and the Time Ball Tower (lower middle) at the Marine Police Station vaguely.  The Knutsford Terrace was not built yet.  These corroborate the date of 1886.

A higher resolution image of TST will be greatly appreciated!

CM Shun

Dear HF,

Thank you very much for this, which could reveal a bit more around the Hong Kong Observatory (HKO), especially the little structure (appearing in white) west of the HKO 1883 Building, which may be the circular structure shown at: http://gwulo.com/node/13930.

If you have some other earlier photos of Kowloon, please let me know!


Dear HF, 

Thank you for posting this great image of early Victoria City. I am currently doing a reseach on HK early city transformation between 1845 to 1900 and I would like to ask you a favour for zooming in the area (inside red box) around Graham Street, Central Market and P&O co .? Would it be possible? Thank you in advance!

Request for Zoom in capture.jpg, by ypso

Best regards,
