1890s Kowloon City Landing Place

Date picture taken


Hi there,

I had been reading a bit more and found references to Kowloon Battery using more or less the same photo as this one.  This photo could be found on page 109 of Forts & Batteries - Coastal Defence in Guangdong during the Ming and Qing Dynasties by Siu Kwok-Kin.  It is a bilingual book, still available in the shop at the Museum of History.

The wall like structure by the left was part of the battery.

Best Regards,


Hi HF,

It is very difficult to tell.  My speculation is and If the perspective is correct it would put the photographer somewhere near the Lung Tsun Pier/Bridge, maybe on the inside of the Battery?  That would make it somewhere in the middle of present day Prince Edward Road........  The temple would be outside the Walled City﹐ probably near the market behind the pier.  I wonder what was the hill to the left of the temple.  Would that be Sacred Hill?  Either way if it was not destroyed when the original Kai Tai Airport was built, it was destroyed during or after WWII.

We could also speculate on approximately where was the temple by using this map.  That would put it a bit to the west of the market behind the pier.

Best Regards,