List of people
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Alias / nickname | Given | Family Sort descending | Maiden | DoB | DoD | Sex |
Gilmore Garland | Bradford | Male | ||||
Frederick William | Bradley | Male | ||||
Arthur | Brailsford | Male | ||||
Grazeiella Howard | Braithwaite | Female | ||||
Kathrine | Brameld | Female | ||||
Irene Maude Selina | Braudé | Deacon | Female | |||
Patricia Irene | Braudé - Vodvarka | Braudé | Female | |||
Alexander Andrew | Bremner | Male | ||||
M B S | Bremner | Female | ||||
John Alexander | Bremner | Male | ||||
Alexander George | Brenchley | Male | ||||
John Sherwin | Brenneman | Male | ||||
Vera Nellie | Brett | Female | ||||
Nathan Falcon | Brewer | Male | ||||
Norman Haworth | Briggs | Male | ||||
Edward Stanley | Brooks | Male | ||||
Ron | Roland Henry John | Brooks | Male | |||
Emily Kate | Brooks | Francis | Female | |||
John McCallum | Broom | Male | ||||
Donny | Donald | Brown | Male | |||
Walter | Brown | Male | ||||
W N | Brown | Male | ||||
Cyril | Brown | Male | ||||
Frank Leader | Brown | Male | ||||
Wenzell | Brown | Male |