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Alias / nickname Given Family Sort descending Maiden DoB DoD Sex
M J Cassidy Female
Castilho Male
Carlton Lynn Castle Male
Gordon Castle Male
Sally Sarah Castle Staley Female
Sonny Castro Ferdinand Maria Castro Male
Alberto Eduardo Hendrickson Castro Male
Nellie Helena Castro Foegal Female
Jack Cater Male
Lilian Cattaneo Lysaught Female
Antonio Cattaneo Male
Maurice Kleber Emile Marceau Caudron Male
Dorothy A Cautherley Campbell Female
George Hunter Cautherley Male
George William Hunter Cautherley Male
Tim Cavendish-Boulton Male
Dorothy Cavill Female
BAAG No. 45 (?) Ho-ka Chak Unknown
Ho Ka Chak Male
Harry Chalcroft Male
Joan Challinor Female
Isaac Chalmers Male
James Calder Chalmers Male
C Champlin Male
CHAN Kwong Kee, Andrew Chanduloy Andrew Chan Male