List of people

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Alias / nickname Given Family Sort descending Maiden DoB DoD Sex
Kenneth Sinclair Morrison Male
Harry Herman Morse Male
George William Mortimer Male
John Morton Male
Lew Mose Male
Elizabeth Mosey Female
John Moss Male
Moss Male
Lily Beatrice Moss Female
Papa Albert James Robert Moss Male
Carl Leland Mossberg Male
Nadejda Gregory Mossberg Female
Charles Mottram Male
Mow Fung Male
Edward Mow Fung Male
Chung Fredrick Charles Mow Fung Male
Kathleen Sophie Moxon Female
Geoffrey Charles Moxon Male
Raymond Tyson Moyer Male
Vyvyan Henry Copley Moyle Male
BAAG No. 53.ii Shiu-hing Mui Female
Ann Selkirk Muir Lindsay Female
Hugh Gordon Muir Male
John Mulcahy Male
Wilfred Mulcahy Male