List of people

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Alias / nickname Given Family Sort descending Maiden DoB DoD Sex
Nick Mohanani Male
Ricky Mohanani Male
Peter Mohanani Male
莫華燦 Raymond / Wah-chaan Mok Male
BAAG No. 94 / CC William / K.S. Mok Male
Girlie Gladys May Mok Hutchinson Female
Nils Eric Amelon Moller Male
Chrys Christopher Blechynden Moller Male
Doc Frank Joseph Molthen Male
Thomas Christopher Monaghan Male
Lorraine J Money Female
Eileen Vera Monks Female
Mary Monro Female
Hugh Monthermer Montague Male
John Howard Montgomery Male
Nan Moodie Female
Jim James Moodie Male
Frederick Edward Mooney Male
Molly Mary Constance Mooney Female
John D. Moore Male
Elizabeth Moore Female
Elizabeth Moore Female
Sister St. Jean de l’Eucharistie Jeanne Moquin Female
Martha Kate More Female
Adelaide Georgina Morgan Female