List of people

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Alias / nickname Given Family Sort descending Maiden DoB DoD Sex
Kathleen Louisa Martin Stewart Female
J G Martin Male
Florence Margaret Martin Fowler Female
Lilian Constance Seale Martin Robertson Female
Linda Clementina Maria Marvin Fernandez Female
Stanley Herbert Isaac Marvin Male
Peggy Sarah Margaret Mason Refo Female
Marjorie B Mason Wavell Female
Stanley Mason Male
Joseph Mason Male
Rustam Jehangir Master Male
Morgie Murgina Master Arculli Female
George Daniel Matcham Male
Harold Thomas Matches Male
Harry Louis Mather Male
Maud Minnie Mather Female
Sylvia Mather Female
Jean Mather Female
D F Mathers Mather Female
Roberta Marjorie Crerar Matheson Female
D. Mathias Female
Jisaburō Matsubara Male
Masu Matsubara Female
Ernest Dudley Matthews Male
Anna May Ethne Matthews Female