List of people

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Alias / nickname Given Family Sort descending Maiden DoB DoD Sex
Bernhard Pedersen Ulland Male
Maclean Ulrich Male
Y. T. Unknown Male
Richard Unsworth Male
Mary Unsworth Female
George Edgar Skynner Upsdell Male
Paul Normann Urke Male
Alexander Urquhart Male
Kenneth Harrison Uttley Male
Stuart Valentine Male
Douglas James Valentine Male
A. Valentine Male
John Valentine Male
BAAG codename "J" William Vallesuk Male
Enrico Pascal Valtorta Male
Alexander Willem van Andel Male
Bobby Adelaide Van de Veere Lamb Female
Gerard Hendrik van den Poll Male
Henk Jacobus Hendrik van der Laan Male
Guillaumine van der Laan Eugene P. le Cocq d Armandville Female
Connie Van Der Lely Female
Jacobus Van der Lely Male
Angie Van Der Lely Female
Jumbo Peter Van Der lely Male
Patrick Van der Linde Male