Diary pages from this date
Birth of Norval Willerton, a brother for George and Anne
Birth of Norval Leslie James Willerton. His father was a sergeant in the Hong Kong police.
Sir Vandeleur Grayburn is taken to the Stanley Prison 'Hospital' - a place where there's almost no medical treatment and the rations are even lower than in the cells to discourage would-be patients. The only advantage to being here is that you're allowed to lie down all day and don't have to spend most of your waking hours staring cross-legged at the wall.
He's not put on one of the two twenty-bed wards but into a two-person hospital cell, which he shares with policeman Vincent Morrison, who's serving two years for trying to escape from Stanley. Morrison notices that Grayburn has boils all over his right leg and learns that his temperature is 103.
Birth: China Mail, September 15, 1945, 3
Sergeant: http://ebook.lib.hku.hk/HK/HKGS/21019063.pdf
E. P. Streatfield, Statement, in HK Public Records Office, HKMS100-1-6, 10-11
Boils and temperature: Morrison's evidence to war crimes trial, China Mail, April 4, 1947, 2
Further repatriation news has been issued to the effect that in September the 'Teia Meru' will call here and take away any Americans and Canadians for exchange at Goa and it is expected that the ship will bring back Red Cross foodstuff to us and shall hope the women and children will be repatriated.
I do think and cannot see much hope of the men being repatriated so I am afraid we will have to resign ourselves to a longer stay of internment unless things in Europe and out here move quickly which as far as we can ascertain is evidently what is happening.
We have had another meatless day last week and generally speaking with poor chow it is not a day to look forward to.
I decided to allow my name to go forward for nomination to the committee again and the voting took place today and the results announced this evening which were as follows ((I'm not sure who the un-linked names refer to)) Bennet 180, Cooper 176, G.G. 170, Hillowes 161, Kean 156, Giffen 116 so I am in for another term which I hope will be a very short one. The weather is very broken at the moment but fortunately it is cool.
Birth of son to Mr. & Mrs. G. Willerton
Repatriation notice re. Canadians & Americans to leave end of Sept.
Br. women & children go in Nov.