This covers the period 1904 -1960. There was a further renumbering that took effect on 1st September 1960 to give the present peak numbering system but I have not found a complete record of the change online. If anyone knows where this may be found I will add it to the below.
Caine Road renumbering here
Conduit Road renumbering here
Robinson Road Renumbering here
Please comment if you spot any errors.
1st January 1924
Brilliant Resourse
Hi Herostratus,
Thank you so much for compiling and posting this brilliant resource. I use it frequently whilst researching buildings on The Peak and have found it to be a great time saver compared to accessing the various source documents.
I think a few entries for Magazine and Wanchai Gap need amending for the 1 Jan 1924 exercise. Firstly, No.524 is blank across the row, but should refer to "The Kennels". Subsequently, No.'s 525-531 are out of sync.
re: Brilliant Resourse
I've also run into this while looking at 524: the lines 524-531 in the table above don't match the document at