1942 Braga family's telegram from Australia to Macau

Mon, 09/11/2023 - 16:51

On 3 April 1942, three months after the fall of Hong Kong, Maude’s brother Hugh sent a telegram from Australia enquiring about Maude and Eric and Hugh’s neighbours in Braga Circuit, Kowloon. He did not know if any of them had survived the fall of Hong Kong. Jack’s reply that all Bragas were safe was very reassuring. He has drafted his reply on Hugh’s telegram, which he then placed in his papers.

Date picture taken


Hullo Stuart,

Trying to contact you re activities in Macao in Jan 1945 when several airmen were assisted by Jack.

Best regards,

Ian Quinn

Hello, Ian,

Please be in touch. I have written an article about this which was inclded in my book Nossa Terra,Nossa Genti. The publisher, International Insitute of Macau, placed this blurb on the cover:

n December 14, 2020, a new book by Stuart Braga “Nos Sa Téra, Nos Sa Génti (Our Land, Our People) – Stories of the Macanese people and their homeland” was launched at the auditorium of the International Institute of Macau (IIM).
This new English book some fifty stories in six parts, about the Macanese people, their institutions, buildings, as well as achievements and disasters. The subject of the book is not on Macau History, but many stories, some of them are familiar to us, while others will surprise many readers. The author believes that while there is a variety of stories in this book, there are thousands more waiting to be told.
Stuart Braga is a well-known academic in Australia, born in Hong Kong but a member of a prominent Macanese family whose forebears came to Macau more than 300 years ago. Braga has been promoting the legacy of the Macanese community and its identity and is also author of “Making Impressions – A Portuguese Family in Macau and Hong Kong 1700-1945” and “Five Hundred Years of Macau”. It is with great satisfaction that the IIM assumes once again the publication of this important book by Stuart Braga, which his works has been well accepted by researchers around the world.