admiralty view

Tue, 09/10/2024 - 17:01
Date picture taken


HMS Crane with pennant F123. Served in the Far East from 1958-1962, in Hong Kong for fishery protection patrols off Hong Kong and in training before the ship was paid off at the end of 1962 at Portsmouth and was transferred to British Iron and Steel Corporation for disposal in 1965.

HMS Crane left Singapore in December 1961. The City Hall is visible in the photo - this photo would be dated 1962

The photo had a reference date of October 1961, which of course, may not be correct.

Not sure if that is HMS Cavalier, D73, beside the inner wall ?

October 1961 is compatible. 

The City Hall official opening was 2nd March 1962 but the high block of the City Hall (whether fully completed or not) is clearly visible in the above photo and in the British Pathe ‘Welcome to Princess’ (at 2:00 min) for Princess Alexandra’s visit to Hong Kong in 1961 which was from 3rd to 14th November. 

HMS Cavalier, D73, was in Hong Kong in October 1961. She sailed away from Hong Kong on 25th October 1961 with HMS Victorious.