slab street photo

Wed, 08/28/2024 - 22:17

This undated photo, that doesn't seem to be in postcard format, is titled "Slab Street" in the "Old Pictures of Hong Kong" collection. There is no caption on the photo itself. I believe that Slab Street is the alternative name for Pottinger Street. The first shop sign on the right by the arched doorway seems to match the section of Pottinger Street in the well known Sternberg postcard showing a Chinese woman and four children that includes a small boy wearing a sailor suit. In this picture, two baskets and a pole seem to have been abandoned by their carrier.

Date picture taken


Unfortunately there isn't an index, David. This is also about the only "postcard" in the book that has no inscription included on the face of the illustration itself. Am I right in thinking that the nearest telegraph pole is different/older than the one in the more famous photo?

Yes, completely different pole, position and only one, possibly two.

The people are walking up and down the inclined street in the morning with little blurring so the shutter speed needs to be good enough for a portable casual dynamic street photo. I’m estimating 1880-1890