Hong Kong Old Mary Sing Shun Co, Nathan road

Shop workers chat away at Hong Kong Old Mary 'Sing Shun Co' store entrance. Taken in 1959

Date picture taken


The "Sing Shun Co." was also known as "Hong Kong Old Mary Sing Shun Co." and sold lace, silk, embroidery items, pyjamas, night gowns as well as pewter, silvery and ivory ware and teak and camphor wood chests. 

It was located at 27 Nathan Road next door to the Swindon Bookshop and accessed via a few steps from the pavement as seen in the main photo and here The story of "Hong Kong Old Mary Sing Shun Co." can be read at: https://industrialhistoryhk.org/there-was-something-about-hong-kong-old-mary-a-transpacific-fortune-built-on-trust/#:~:text=However%2C%20Hong%20Kong%20actually%20had,the%20%E2%80%9CMother%20of%20Sailors%E2%80%9D.