I have really enjoyed the pictures you have been posting. In the above the image is actually reversed, was it scanned from a slide? It shows the west gate of the Royal Naval Dockyard taken from the Butterfield and Swire Building. The small building in the centre of the picture was a school. The date of the picture is also late 1959 or early 1960. The Butterfield and Swire building was demolished in 1960 and in the above picture the hoardings have gone around it in preparation for demolition. I also believe the below photos are also dated c1960::
Hi Peter
Hi Peter
I have really enjoyed the pictures you have been posting. In the above the image is actually reversed, was it scanned from a slide? It shows the west gate of the Royal Naval Dockyard taken from the Butterfield and Swire Building. The small building in the centre of the picture was a school. The date of the picture is also late 1959 or early 1960. The Butterfield and Swire building was demolished in 1960 and in the above picture the hoardings have gone around it in preparation for demolition. I also believe the below photos are also dated c1960::
The above pictures show the old Murray Barracks which were demolished in 1962. The Hilton has only just begun construction, the hotel opened in 1963.
Well spotted - I've flipped it horizontally so that the cricket pitch is on the right side.