Andrew CHAN (aka CHAN Kwong Kee, Andrew Chanduloy) [1914-1983]

Submitted by emride on
Alias / nickname
CHAN Kwong Kee, Andrew Chanduloy
Birthplace (country)

From the entry for Andrew Chan in the BAAG Personnel Register, Ride Collection:

Born 4th July 1914 in Seychelles.  Chinese-British subject.  

Citation: “Before and during hostilities in Hongkong this man was a clerk in the RASC.  After the surrender he escaped to China and volunteered his services to the BAAG.  He was first employed in dangerous intelligence work in Hongkong and later was a member of a team which set up an intelligence post in the hills overlooking Kowloon.  He remained at this post in the heart of heavily held enemy territory for about 6 months.  Later, he was a member of a coast watching post which was captured by the Red guerillas.  He was held prisoner for three months before his release was effected.  Throughout these operations, Chan displayed most commendable devotion to duty and bravery of a high order.”    (signed) L T Ride, Colonel.    1945.


Photos that show this Person



I have Andew Chan (Chan Kwong-kei) as BAAG No.78.  He was Clerk of 12 Coy RASC pre-War.  Post-war, he was a Manager of VIctory Trading Co at Union House. He was awarded a BEM.

I also have Liu Yau as No.78 of Group A in the early days stationed at Kam Tin to collect military intelligence.  It is possible that Andrew Chan assumed the number after Group A was discontinued.

My uncle Andrew (1915-1983) and my father, Joseph Henry Chan Kwong Cheung/Chan Pak Yam/ J. H. Chanduloy (1913-1971), started the Victory Trading Co in Union Building, Peddar St. When the company folded in the late 50's, each of them continued in the export/import business, sharing out their business contacts until their respective demise. They are both buried at the Catholic Cemetary in Cheungshawan.

Neither uncle Andrew nor his wife, aunt Josephine (also formerly Lui Ka Yin's wife), spoke about the war days, and my cousin, their daughter Mabel Lui had quite some years back, talked with Ms Elizabeth Ride in Australia. Now in her 80's, she has asked me about 3 months back to find out more about her father - which I did, and when I was back in HK last Nov a week after Remembrance Sunday, I put a wreath under Lui Ka Yin's name at Sai Wan Military Cemetary, and sent photos to her.

With Ms Ride's continuing advice and sharing in her research, I am hoping to learn more about my two uncles' work in the BAAG.

Felix Chanduloy