Naval & merchant shipping review-1930s

Thu, 01/07/2016 - 03:05

Coincidently with Moddey's recent East Praya reclamation shipping image

The latest issue of  the UK magazine Ships Monthy has a similar but later image in which it asked readers to identify the vessels. The waterfront building is complete instead of a steel construction skeleton.

The article is best inspected using the 'Full View' button 

Date picture taken
15 Jun 1935


Probably taken in November 1936 as viewed here and here If the photos are the same, the vessels in port can be found below: 

HK Daily Press 6 November 1936

The U.S. Asiatic Fleet arrived in port on 5 November 1936 comprising the USS Augusta, Isabel, Black Hawk, Pecos, Paul Jones, Stewart, Parrott, Bulmer, Edsall, Pope, Peary, Pillsbury and J. D. Ford. The USS Mindanao stationed between Canton and Hong Kong was also in port.

The British Naval Fleet in Port:

North Wall - HMS Defender and HMS Decoy

South Wall: HMS Duncan and HMS Grimsby

East Wall: HMS Regulus and HMS Phoenix

North Arm: HMS Falmouth and HMS Diana, 

West Wall Dock: HMS Berwick, HMS Delight, HMS Duchess and HMS Bruce

In dock: HMS Osiris, HMS Rainbow and HMS Pandora

No. 1 Buoy: HMS Hermes

No. 2 Buoy: HMS Medway and submarines

No. 12 Buoy: HMS Daring and HMS Diamond

Foreign Warships

French: Cruiser Lamotte-Piquet and gunboat Argus

Japanese: gunboat Saga