Kwok-wing CHENG [1914-????]

Submitted by emride on
(Day & Month are approximate.)
Birthplace (town, state)
Birthplace (country)



Nationality: Chinese, Born: Canton 1914, Occupation: clerk, BAAG: Oct 42 - Oct 45.

“In 1942 this man escaped from Hongkong.  He was first employed on clerical work, but he readily proved to be a man of initiative and one who could assume responsibility.  He helped to form and establish the security section, and then in Oct 43 was sent forward to the Shaping area West of Canton to set up an escape and evasion network in that area which was partly controlled by puppets and partly by guerillas.  Owing to lack of officers, Cheng had to remain in charge of this post and as a result of his work, eleven American airmen who came down in his area were all saved.”  (signed) L T Ride, Colonel.

Brother of Dr T C Cheng,Pro-Vice Chancellor of Chinese University.

I have CHENG Kwok-wing as a Clerk of the Security Office of BAAG HQ, Kweilin.  He was awarded the King's Medal for Courage. Pre-war, he was a clerk of RAOC.  Post-war, he was a clerk of Lau, Chan, Ko Solicitors.

Dr. CHENG Tung-choi was a Translator of BAAG HQ.  His borther CHENG Fook-choi was also a Clerk of the BAAG HQ Secuirty Office.  He was a clerk of Lowe Bingham Mathews pre-war and returned to work for the HK Eastern Shipping Co post-war.

I am not aware that CHENG Kwok-wing was brother of CHENG Fook-choi & CHENG Tung-choi. 


I don't know if this is still live, but I was wondering if anyone could tell me more about Cheng Kwok-Wing and any more information about his activities within the BAAG.

Would be grateful if anyone could give me any more information as CHENG Kwok-Wing was my grandfather.


I lost the website link and found it again by chance! Thank you @emride for the documents which you've uploaded.

I was trying to find my grandfather's citation for the George Medal which he was awarded but I can't seem to find anything around. Does you happen to know anything about that

I was just reading the British Army Aid Group book by Edwin Ride earlier as I found a copy at home. It's such an interesting read! I wish I was older before my grandfather passed away as I would have loved to have heard more about their activities.

Thank you Howard.

The only citation I have for K W Cheng is the one at the top of this post.  I wonder if you could identify him as the person on the right of this photo - two of the others being Au Ping Wah and Vincent Young, all of them West River operatives.

5 friends, by emride


I have more information if you want it.

Do you know that there is now a BAAG Group on Facebook?


I've had a look at the photo and I don't think the person on the right is my grandfather. But I can confirm that he is also brother to CHENG Tung Choi and CHENG Fook Choi as someone had mentioned this before.

I didn't know there's a BAAG Facebook group though. I'll look it up.
